
Showing posts with label Gandalf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gandalf. Show all posts

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Can you guess which stars turned down these famous film roles?

Courtesy of  Emma Daly

Superman, James Bond, Gravity and more hugely successful films could have had a different name on the poster. See if you can guess which famous faces gave these iconic roles a miss...

When it comes to iconic movie roles it's hard to imagine anyone else playing the part.
Could anyone else have got Gandalf just right? Could another actor have yelled 'Show me the money' quite the same way and could anyway else have carried off Neo in The Matrix?

Well, here's some actors and actresses that had the chance to take on these famous roles, but turned them down. But can you guess who?

Can you guess which stars turned down these famous film roles?
Big-name stars have passed on films including Superman, Jerry Maguire, James Bond and Gravity, but can you guess who?

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Watch Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen Play The Newlywed Game

Courtesy of Mark Shrayber

Watch the video on YOUTUBE

My god, is there anything better than watching Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen interacting with each other?

They laugh, they sing, they bicker like an old married couple. And even though the two have been friends for what seems like forever, they still have lots of trouble answering questions about each other's favorite type of music, most overused phrases, and spirit animals. It's hilarious to watch them struggle, though. You guys are the best!