
Tuesday, January 3, 2012






Check out the graceful and humble Tausi in her latest campaign for Ann Roth Shoes.


Tausi Likokola was originally born in the beautiful East African country of Tanzania and for many years has lived in both Europe and America. She has worked with many world-class designers such as Gucci, Christian Dior, Tommy Hilfinger, Issey Miyake and Escada. She has also graced and covers dozens of international fashion magazines.

Tausi is also co-founder and president of TAF - Tausi Aids Fund, a not-for-profit organization whose focus is improving education and health care for Africa’s Children.

In 2000, she published the popular booklet “The Art of Beauty and Health”. Tausi is a sought after motivational speaker and writer, who is well respected in the fashion industry. Her first novel, “The African Princess” was launched in Tanzania in 2004 and became the number one bestseller in that country. In 2009 Tausi published four  books “Beautiful You”, “The Art of Beauty and Health”, The African Princess and  “The Touch of an Angel”.Tausi uses her experience and her book "Beautiful You" to encourage young girls in "Beautiful You" workshops.

London Guru: Can you tell our readers what a day on a photo shoot is like for you? What do you do from the moment you wake up until you finish the shoot?

Tausi:  I’m now not as active as I used to do in modeling. And choose a few projects that I believe in to be involved with…a photo shoot day will normally start very early in the morning. I have an option of taking my children and assistant with me to the location then have first the hair and make-up done with a specialist…then go over the concept with photographer and client, then  go to work…we will shoot most likely till everyone is convinced we got the shots we need for the campaign.

London Guru: What would you say is the highlight of your modeling career so far and how does it compare to your overall goals?

Tausi: I can say the highlight of modeling for me had been the doors that opened…to realize that I can utilize these doors not only for me but for others as well and be able to travel the world, write my books and touch the lives of others.

London Guru: Did you ever doubt that you would succeed as a professional model? Did anyone ever discourage you from professional modelling as some people (especially in Africa) don’t see it as a feasible career?

Tausi: I was studying in Germany when spotted by scout, I still had my studies as a priority at that time and didn’t force the success…I knew either way I had options with a bright future through my studies. I think now in Africa they are starting to view modeling as a career opportunity but I think if a model will be limited in one country in Africa, it might be a challenge to support a life just by modeling…of course unless they also travel and have agencies internationally.

London Guru: Do you remember your first ever professional modeling job?
Tausi: Yes one usually remember first time…my serious booking was with the known photographer Michael Booz who was then working for a catalogue doing business with African products…

London Guru: Tell me one of the negative aspects of professional modeling you think everyone should know. Did you ever encounter this particular problem?

Tausi: Modeling like any show business one has to be careful with whom you associate with. Most girls start very young and are still seeking their own identity…they can be easily manipulated or  exploited. One has to have family or mentors involved in the process who know the business and can advise wisely. I was somewhat mature when I started modeling and already a university student but even then I had to fight for my rights and make sure no one took advantage of me.

London Guru: Who is the most intriguing or inspiring person in fashion today besides yourself?

Tausi: I actually do not have one figure that I fixed myself with but I do admire people with unique styles and those who will use the fashion platform to make a difference in the lives of others.

London Guru: Who was your inspiration when you started out modeling?

Tausi: I knew little about fashion when I started and just like every other thing I usually involve myself with…I did my home work…read books, watched videos and online searches to see what was out there…that time real supermodels  were IN and it was easy to see who to look up to when it came to their runway walks or photo shoot poses.

London Guru: Out of all the designers you have not worked with yet who would you most like to work with?

Tausi: I was blessed enough to work for names like Gucci and Christian Dior during my years in peak success…right now I will look at the vision of a designer and I have to identify something unique and of humility through her/his style for me to really want to work with them. I have been approached with a few new names and have preferred to give that opportunity to the girls that I currently mentor.

London Guru: What top tips for success would you give to aspiring models emerging in the industry?

Tausi: ATTITUDE…it’s always about a positive attitude, something that most aspiring models confuse it with being IT…is also important to stay humble, work hard and always be on time.

London Guru: You are a successful published author as well. I believe you have written your fourth book now?

Tausi: I always expressed better in writing and even wrote for my school newspaper. With the traveling in the industry, I had plenty of time to write…now I have even more time to dedicate myself to publish more books. People can order my books on Amazon or Google search my name. In USA big chain bookstores like Borders or Barnes and Nobles carry my books.

London Guru: I have heard somewhere you are also writing a cookbook, is that true?

Tausi: Yes I love to cook and my grandmother was such a good cook that everywhere I went around the globe I always checked what they ate and somewhat tried to cook what I like at home. My cookbook will be different…very exotic yet very healthy. Most people thinks healthy meals are tasteless or boring…not in my has to be spicy and good!

London Guru: Tell us how you started with the Beautiful You project which inspires young girls?

Tausi: As a teenager I attended all girls school and had so many unanswered questions on esteem, beauty etc..things that we ask ourselves when we seek our purpose and directions in life. When I became successful as a model, one of things that I did was to visit schools and talk to girls…it then became a call that I wrote books and started encouraging girls with my book “Beautiful You”.

London Guru: When young girls leave your workshop how do you want them to feel and, do you hope they will inspire others?

Tausi:  I learnt that we all perform to our full potential when we are encouraged…and that is the mission of “Beautiful You” that each and every girl will realize and appreciate their individual beauty and unique talents that we all have been blessed with. Yes, it is my hope that MY girls will encourage others along the way…I have done these workshops in Japan, USA, Korea and in some countries in Africa and Europe.

London Guru: You have said many times it is important to be grateful and to give back to the community and you therefore do a lot of charity work. Tell us about the various charitable endeavors your support.

Tausi: Yes I was raised with emphasis of community and as a Christian it is my call to use my talents, ability and resources to bless others…I have been doing that for over ten years whereby with local organizations around the globe together we have been able to educate and help others..e.g Education programs in Africa, USA and Europe…and HIV/ADS awareness programs especially in Tanzania and Namibia.

London Guru: You started the Tausi Aids Foundation (TAF) to help children in the fight against AIDS and for better health initiatives in your native Tanzania. How does the foundation work and how often do you go back to Tanzania to visit the beneficiaries.

Tausi: TAF was founded when I lived in Germany and worked directly with local organizations to support and supply human resources, financial and material/equipments. In 2000 we reached 55.000 children and I used to go twice a year to visit our partners…but now three years have passed since I became a mother and I haven’t been able to fully commit to the efforts.

London Guru: You are also a Goodwill Ambassador for Tanzania, can you tell us how you feel about that responsibility? Do you feel a bit of pressure to be a constant role model?

Tausi: Good will ambassador title just got stuck with me some years back through my many charity work in Tanzania and then a minister announced me as a good will ambassador. I was never appointed but it had opened so many doors for me to help my people to a level that in other foreign countries just to name Germany and Italy, I was able to work directly with our embassies to better and benefit Tanzania. I try to live the best I know how and correct myself quickly when I fall that I truly never felt any pressure of being someone people especially girls will look up to. I am a believer of excellence, truth and hard working.

London Guru: Tell me something people may not realize about you. It can be something that is an everyday thing for you but may be inspirational to everyone else.

Tausi: So I went to Sydney Australia to open a big charity fashion show and next thing I know after the event, I’m sitting with African sisters and we are having fun…now you know I can dance and everyone is laughing and almost surprised! Most people know me as a serious person and those who went to school with me will tell you I am very quiet and all about business…no don’t get it twisted, I have a very fun side of me…will dance with my children and friends and probably some few things will surprise you…I know that might not be inspirational but just to realize I love full life might help you to take life not too seriously!

London Guru:  Is having children a key determining factor in the decisions you make about the jobs you do now?

Tausi: Oh yes, my kids comes first before I choose any job now and if travel is involved I have to careful consider all my options…if you know me well, you know I’m hands on mother. If is an opportunity that will intervene with my kids’ school or involve me being away for too long, I will probably have to rethink about accepting the job.

London Guru: So you are a model, author, philanthropist, public speaker and goodwill Ambassador, and a home maker how do you fit all this into your life?

Tausi: By carefully prioritizing all aspects of my life…a reason I am not that much busy anymore in fashion you age, your life changes and so are your career goals and priorities.

London Guru: What one thing haven't you done in your life which you would still like to do in your career or personal life?

Tausi: I am a true believer of doing everything in the appropriate time…so if there is anything I haven’t done yet is because I am not there yet. I am a visionary and have so much in my mind right now, but I guess they will materialize when God says yes and is right time.

London Guru: What do you do for fun and relaxation? Do you have any favorite hobbies or routine to ensure you de-stress.

Tausi: Beauty and Shopping with friends…I love everything about being a girl…when I have good time to go somewhere with friends and shop then relax in a beauty spa or just lay at the beach and embrace it…that always refuels the tank fully ready to go back to work hard.

London Guru: If you could be anyone else besides yourself, who would you be?

Tausi: No way..I would love to be myself…with all of my faults and wins…life is too short for anyone trying to be someone that you are not…I always tell my girls never wish to be someone else or have what they have for you just don’t know what they are going through in their lives or how they got there..There is only one me and that is a beautiful thing that I wouldn’t want to change for a day.

London Guru: What campaigns are you currently working on and where can our readers find more information about it?

Tausi: The end of last year I mentioned a hair line that was named after me that we are looking forward to pushing this year. I am also working together with a jeweler for a bracelet that will be for sale in January. My books will keep coming and more ‘Beautiful You’ projects that I hope to travel globally too…and encourage more designers to book me and market their brands.

London Guru: Is there anything exciting coming up in 2012 which we should be on the lookout for?

Tausi: I am looking forward for wonderful 2012 and so many projects that I hope to be part of…raise my children and count my blessings every day!




Monday, January 2, 2012


Catwalk Professor on red carpet

THE CATWALK PROFESSOR is a qualified model trainer who resides in the UK. After winning the Starpic model contest in St Maarten he was granted a scholarship to attend Ophelia Devore modelling school in New York City where he was awarded "BEST RUNWAY MODEL" from his class outshining all male and female students. He went on to compete in Mr Pan Africa U.S.A and took the 1st runner up postion in 1999 a few years later went on to compete in Mr Model of the year catwalk contest in New York City in 2002 and won the title hands down.
Catwalk Professor who resides now in the United Kingdom is the most sought after model trainer in the business known by many and the media as "THE MAN WHO TEACHES ALL THE GIRLS HOW TO WALK/POSE" he has graced many media coverage just to name a few (OK, Daily Herald, Voice, Guardian, Naturally just me, Radio times and the Daily Mirror. It’s amazing watching this man teach women how to walk as he transforms them into true catwalk divas as they walk the runways and work the cameras with nothing but confidence!
Catwalk Professor is the 3 time award winning "BEST MODEL TRAINER IN THE UK" voted at the B.E.F.F.T.A awards in 2009, 2010, 2011 and has graced the TV series
Model, Misfits and Mayhem on the most looked at tv station ITV2.And has also worked with the London School of Modelling. Catwalk Professor who is also called Mr Fierce is a true catwalk diva and teaches only what you see on the international runway. He takes his classes very serious as the way a model walks the runway reflects his knowledge of the industry.
You can also join his fan page Catwalk Professor to see all his work and what he is up to and even follow him on twitter...Mrfiercecatwalk .His motto is behind every good man is a good woman and behind every good model who walks and pose is a good man who teaches her how its done.

For Bookings Contact, Management

Star of ITV2 Models, Misfits & Mayhem 
Catwalk Professor Productions on Facebook 
Twitter page
We love the Figure 8 Figures Model Contest 2011 

London Guru: Welcome Catwalk Professor! People know you as an award winning model trainer but some may not know that you are also an Etiquette Expert. Tell me why you included etiquette in your line of work?

First of all I would like to take this moment to wish all readers here a wonderful and blessed New Year’s. As a model trainer I had to add etiquette in my line of work as it's very important how you carry yourself in public making everyone at ease. The worst thing I hate seeing is a lady who just can't be a lady and I am being more woman than her.

London Guru: Etiquette experts are seen by some as being snobs or from middle to upper class. So the average person may not identify easily with etiquette training. How can you explain etiquette to the average person?

It's very simple carrying yourself like a true lady from the way you sit, talk, stand and having the correct confidence...once you have proper etiquette people approach you differently.

London Guru: I also work with diplomats where etiquette is the most important tool for diplomacy. How do you interpret etiquette? How do you see it improving what you do already?

There is so much to etiquette and once you have that you can easily blend in any where

Catwalk Professor 2nd from Left in braids trained models at Face of 2012 Gala awards

London Guru: Are manners and social graces important for lasting personal or business success?

OH yes it is manners, manners and more manners you can never have enough who wants to ever work with someone who is just rude and has no manners!

London Guru: Do you think today’s society has forgotten social manners?

Today's society has forgotten all about etiquette take a look at some young kids how they carry themselves. A long time ago our parents were more concerned about etiquette even paying for their daughters to attend self development classes now they don't and you can see the difference.

London Guru: When a person meets someone for the first time, how should they introduce themselves. Give us an example of the phrases you would use, your actions and body language?

When you meet someone for the first time you must stand, remaining sitting is just very rude! You stand give a firm hand shake giving your last and first name with a smile.

London Guru: When someone offers you something how should you respond and acknowledge them?

When something is given to must say thank you with a smile ....adding a smile goes a long it’s said like this....................thank you very much, well appreciated (with a smile).

London Guru: What do you think is the worst behaviour socially?

Worst behaviour is talking on your phone so loud like everyone wants to hear, putting make up on in public, going to a club and leaving with heels in hand, women who love to be loud seeking attention.

London Guru: You are known for your acid tongue. If someone is ill mannered do you always call them out or does it depend who it is?

Acid tongue that's what they call me as i tell you just how it is with no holding back don't care who you are and what job you do i will tell you just how it is no need for me to cover it up other wise you will never learn and that means am not doing my job

London Guru: Tell me your definition of what a lady AND gentleman should be like?

This is just so simple....a lady should be a lady at all times the way she does everything that brings her the reputation of a woman of class, how she carries herself. You know it when you see it!
Same for the men who should be treating women with respect knowing that their mom is a woman too who carried them for 9 months and wiped their butts! Men who treat women with no respect surely have no respect for their mothers?

London Guru: It has been said today’s girls have a long list of negative role models they aspire to, women who regularly strip, online or on television, gaining fame and wealth from their bad behaviour. Do you think this makes it difficult for women in the industry to work hard and follow a respectful path when they see negative role models becoming famous and getting paid a fortune overnight?

We can’t always blame what's happening out there on the media and TV, sometimes I see kids 15 years old out at 4am who do we blame? The media ? ohhhhhhhhhhh no - parents need to set the foundation, it all starts from home. I was raised by a single mother. I watched the crazy movies but my mom was not to be messed with, one look and I know what she means. People need to monitor their kids, again sometimes I see girls, aged 12 walking the streets with hot pants helloo! Who do we blame surely not the media?

London Guru: From a man’s point of view what can you say goes through your mind when you see ladies with lousy manners behaving inappropriately? For example when over indulging and flashing breasts and staggering home drunk after a night out?

All I can say when you act trashy.... you attract trash.......when you act classy attract the well manner guys

London Guru: I know you are very loyal to your female fans and to protect your princesses you give them dating etiquette advice. Do you think everyone should be old fashioned when it comes to dating?

I think the old fashioned ways are the best, relationships long ago used to last much longer than today's.

London Guru: What do you think should be the secret weapons for a girl looking for a good guy for a meaningful relationship?

Be yourself, know what you want and don’t ever forget your values.

London Guru: Give us the top qualities you expect from anyone you interact with? These must be the unwritten rules that everyone must abide by.

There are many but to name a few:
1) I don't ask for respect i deamnd it
2) Call me by the right name no “hey”, no “hey bro”,no “hi boss” - I hate those short slangs
3) Don't show up late when we have a meeting or a class

London Guru: Who do you think is the classiest celebrity around and why?

I would say after myself - Halle Berry she is such a classy woman,  she doesn’t try hard and whatever she puts on she still can bring attention.

London Guru: Who do you give credit for your good manners and values?

LOVE THIS ONE OH MY GODDDDDD........its my mom Margie - very strict which would make you angry at times but when you look back at all she did all you can do is smile and say God bless every single mother out their especially those single moms who work all day to come home to still prepare the kids meal, take them to school, take the boys to the barbers and so much more I have all respect for every woman.

Respecting the elderly



Etiquette is less about how to maneuver a knife and fork and more about being mindful – mindful of others. This may seem trite and basic but few people do this well. It’s as simple as saying, “Good morning” to others as you enter an elevator, or speaking to the housekeeper as she takes out your garbage at work. It’s about saying “I’m sorry,” and admitting your mistakes when you’re wrong. It’s about living your life with honesty and integrity. It’s about making a significant contribution to the lives of others. As a cancer survivor, I always say, “Live your life as if it’s your last day.” It’s important to take good care of yourself and then you’ll be better prepared to take care of others.
By Etiquette expert Jacqueline Whitmore, founder of The Protocol School of Palm Beach and author of Poised for Success: Mastering the Four Qualities That Distinguish Outstanding Professionals,

Nationally Recognized Etiquette Expert, Industry Leader and owner of The Protocol School of Texas, Diane Gottsman, gives tips. Visit for more tips and information. Youtube channel

Royal EtiquetteTips by Etiquette Expert and Industry Leader, Diane Gottsman

Red Carpet Etiquette by Etiquette Expert and Industry Leader, Diane Gottsman

Simple Courtesies by Etiquette Expert and Industry Leader, Diane Gottsman

Thank You Note Etiquette by Etiquette Expert and Industry Leader, Diane Gottsman

Beauty Queen Etiquette Tips by Etiquette Expert and Industry Leader, Diane Gottsman

Dining Interview Tips by Etiquette Expert and Industry Leader, Diane Gottsman

Job Interview Skills by Etiquette Expert and Industry Leader, Diane Gottsman

Interview Do's and Don'ts Tips by by Etiquette Expert and Industry Leader, Diane Gottsman

Business Etiquette by Etiquette Expert and Industry Leader, Diane Gottsman

Wedding Etiquette Tips by Etiquette Expert and Industry Leader, Diane Gottsman

Airplane and Travel Etiquette Tips by Etiquette Expert and Industry Leader, Diane Gottsman

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